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Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2024 for Medspa Professionals

In the evolving landscape of medical aesthetics, staying ahead of social media trends is not just important—it’s essential. A survey from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery found that 43% of consumer decisions to schedule an appointment were due to the provider’s social media presence. 

In 2023 we saw the addition of Threads, Twitter became X, and TikTok continued its trajectory of growth. Already in 2024, we’ve seen the introduction of Flipside on Instagram, and we can only imagine what else is to come. 

Let’s take a look at the top 5 social media trends specific to medical aesthetic practices we can expect to see in 2024 that you can harness to help your practice thrive. 

The Rise of Non-Invasive Procedures & Treatments

Non-invasive procedures, especially those utilizing energy-based devices like lasers and radiofrequency technologies, are at the forefront of the aesthetics industry. Social media allows potential patients to become educated on the different options available to them, and they’re learning they can achieve the results they desire without pain. Offering services with convenience in mind will be key in 2024, as options become more and more accessible, with even at-home laser devices hitting the market.  

With aesthetic treatments becoming widely available, they are now being treated as part of a self-care ritual. This includes video content of influencers and small content creators alike sharing the “high maintenance” things they do, including aesthetic work, to be “low maintenance” in their daily lives. Your medspa can participate in this by asking your favourite patients and your staff about their own treatment regimes and how they contribute to their overall self-care routines. 

Patients also want to feel secure that the treatments they’re undergoing are safe. If you undergo the services you offer, you’re providing them with the social proof they need to feel confident doing the same. Try sharing clips of your team having the treatments you provide done on yourselves and explain the experience before, during, and after, focusing on comfort and results. 

Overall Health & Wellness Education

The conversation around beauty is shifting towards a holistic approach. Self-care is on the rise alongside an increase in the accessibility of education, and patients are becoming more informed of the role overall wellness plays in their beauty goals. 

Social media is a major tool for educating consumers on how health impacts aesthetic outcomes and the current focus on maintaining a healthy skin barrier exemplifies this trend. You may consider strategically highlighting your more hydrating treatments on social media and moving away from procedures like chemical peels. However, providing more intentional education on the safety and comfort of such treatments can also help to alleviate patient concerns and skepticism. 

Create content that educates your audience on how overall wellness factors into your philosophy. Share tips, routines, and your expert insights on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle that complements their treatment plans. Here are some ideas to help you get started:

Fostering Patient Empowerment & Collaboration

In 2024, patients will be more informed and involved in their treatment choices than ever before. Gone are the days of a traditional “doctor and patient” model where care is dictated one-sidedly to the other party. Today, patients have the ability to offer valuable insights into the overall experience your practice offers. 

Social media has played a pivotal role in this shift, offering a wealth of information on treatments, technologies, and patient rights. Encourage discussions and Q&A sessions on your platforms to foster a sense of community and empowerment. Highlighting patient journeys and the decision-making process can inspire others to take an active role in their aesthetic journey.

The Rise of “De-Influencing”

In a time where social media is full of endless product recommendations and promotional content, a new trend is gaining momentum: “de-influencing.” This movement, spearheaded by influencers and content creators, pushes back against unsustainable consumerism by advocating for more mindful consumption and authenticity. Instead of promoting products or services for the sake of sales, “de-influencers” focus on honesty, urging their audiences to invest only in what truly adds value to their lives. 

This shift presents a unique opportunity for medspa practitioners. Utilize your social media platforms to educate your audience about the process, potential outcomes, and any necessary downtime or aftercare. Before-and-after photos showcasing genuine, achievable results can be particularly effective, as long as they accurately represent what a typical patient can expect.

Relatability vs. ROI

A recent Hootsuite survey showed 34% of consumers say “too much self-promotion” is a major turn-off in how they perceive brands on social media. Striking a balance between relatability and achieving a return on investment (ROI) is crucial. 

Brands focusing solely on ROI may see short-term gains but risk long-term brand loyalty. Strive for a balance by sharing relatable content that provides value beyond just selling your services. Genuine stories of patient experiences, team introductions, and behind-the-scenes content can humanize your brand.

Even with a focus on relatability, it’s important to include calls-to-action (CTAs) and highlight what makes your services special. The key is to integrate these elements naturally into your content. This approach ensures your audience feels engaged with and not just sold to.

Your Pathway to Success in 2024’s Social Media Landscape

Your practice’s presence on social media is more crucial than ever, though the key to success lies not in following every trend but in finding those that align with your brand’s values and your patients’ needs. It’s not as important to be everywhere as it is to be where it matters most. 

By focusing on education, authenticity, and empowerment, you can build a social media presence that resonates with potential patients and prepares them to commit to a treatment plan. LIFT Aesthetic Marketing is your resource for navigating these trends with expertise and integrity. Connect with us to see how we can work together and take your online presence to the next level.

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