Technology Information Hub

Technology Information Hub Heading design element

This page is meant to serve as your information hub for getting your triLift x LIFT Aesthetic Marketing program set up in a timely manner. Some support is required on your end to ensure our team has the right access to key pieces that will help us successfully launch and manage your program.

If you have any further questions beyond what is answered on this page, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager on Basecamp.

Logo Files Heading design element

We’ll use your logo on your landing page and e-mail marketing assets. It’s important this logo is of high quality so it represents your brand well and looks great on your marketing materials.

We would love access to as many logo files as you have! We accept the following formats:

  • .PNG
  • .EPS
  • .SVG
  • .AI
  • .PDF

You can send your logo in the “Logo File” section, located in “Docs & Files” in Basecamp.

Your logo should be at least 500px in width to ensure quality across marketing assets.

NOTE: For the purposes of this step, your program manager has created a Facebook account with their First name, then the word “Pod,” then their last name. Please reach out to your program manager if you have any questions.

It is crucial we be provided administrator access to your business Facebook page. With full control over your page, we can better optimize our advertising efforts. Business manager, partial access, or other permissions don’t allow us to do this.

Before you are able to make us an administrator of your Facebook page we first need to make a friend connection on Facebook. You will be making friends with your program manager’s company account named ‘Firstname Pod Lastname’.

Note: To complete the steps below you are required to be a current administrator of your company’s Facebook page.

Step 1: Log in to your own personal Facebook account.

Step 2: Add my company administrative account as a friend by searching for your program manager’s “Firstname Pod Lastname” and add me as a friend.

Step 3: “Switch In” to your page by navigating to the top right corner, selecting your profile picture, clicking “See all profiles,” and selecting your practice’s page.

Step 4: After you’ve switched in to your practice’s page, navigate to the business page by clicking on your business name in the top left corner, under the search bar.

Optional Step 5: If you do not see a menu on the left-hand scroll bar on your business page, look for a button that says “Manage” below your cover photo on the right – select it.

Step 6: On the left scroll bar menu, select Meta Business Suite.

Step 7: Once redirected to Meta Business Suite, click “All Tools” from the left-hand side menu.

Step 8: From the menu that pops open, select “Page Settings” which you will see on the right side under “Manage.”

Step 9: Once redirected to a new page, click “New Pages Experience” from the left-hand menu and click “Add New” at the top of the page, for “People with Facebook access.”

Step 10: Search for your program’s manager’s “Firstname Pod Lastname” Facebook account, add, and hit the slider that “Allow this person to have full control.”

Step 11: Enter your password.

Step 12: Conduct the same process outlined above searching for Kevin Pod Wilhelm, our Master account.

Step 13: Kevin will accept your request and support the final setup of administrator access.

If you do not currently have a Facebook Business Page, we request that you create one. To do so, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your Facebook account

Step 2: On the left side, select Pages

Step 3: On the left side, select Create New

Step 4: Enter the information prompted by the page creation portal

If you have an existing Instagram account, please provide your program manager with your Instagram Username and Password.

If you do not have an existing Instagram account you will need to create a new account and provide us the Username and Password. To do so, please follow the steps below.

  • From your desktop or mobile phone go to
  • Select Sign Up
  • Fill in Information (email address, business name, account name, and password) and click sign up.
    • Please note that you cannot have any spaces in the account name.
    • To create a space or to localize your account, you can add an underscore ( _ ) or your own location-based letters (ex: yyc) if your desired account name is taken
  • Once your account is set up, please provide me with your Instagram username and password.

Social Media Heading design element

We require administrative access to your Facebook & Instagram accounts in order to run paid social media awareness advertisements through these platforms. Providing access requires some support on your end. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your program manager on Basecamp.

Google Heading design element

Google Analytics is an analytics service provided by Google that tracks and reports how users interact with your business. By providing us with access to your google analytics, we’re able to gain a deeper understanding of your online audience and interpret the impact of your marketing efforts.

Here is a step-by-step guide for adding read-only access to Google Analytics:

Step 1: Log into your Google Analytics account

Step 2: Click the admin gear at the bottom left of the screen

Step 3: Under the account column, click Account Access Management

Step 4: Click the plus sign in top right corner, then add to grant us access

Step 5: Choose the Read & Analyze option

Step 6: Click Add in the top right corner to confirm and update your permissions

Formerly known as Google My Business, a Google Business profile (GBP) is a simple online page you create about your business. It makes your business more visible and can help people find you online. We’ll need access to your GBP to assess your website’s paid traffic and marketing to improve our efforts.

Here is a step-by-step guide for sharing access to your GBP:

Step 1. Sign in to Google Business Profile.

Step 2. On the menu at the left, click Users.

Step 3. Click Add users.

Step 4. Enter the following email address:

Step 5. Provide our address with Manager access.

Step 6. Click Invite.

Our Marketing Formula Heading design element






What We Offer Heading design element

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing offers a range of services focused on key areas to help you achieve your business goals. Just like you create individualized treatment regimes for your patients, we formulate a customized strategy with the tools you need.

Our Lumenis Partnership Heading design element

triLift by Lumens logo
Lumens logo

We understand how technology can elevate your business—and how crucial it is for your patients to understand what you can offer.

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing’s partnership with Lumenis was developed to support clients with technological advancements by offering innovative marketing solutions. We support the marketing behind their triLift system, helping practices drive awareness and make the most of promoting their investment.

Learn more about our marketing program for triLift clients.

Discover Our Technology-Focused Partnership

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Inspired? Heading design element

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