What We Offer


Identity Drives Business Heading design element

A brand is your practice’s identity. When patients think about booking an appointment or recommend your services to a friend, your brand defines the emotions they feel or words they use to describe their experience.

Branding can make your practice iconic. From Gucci’s mirrored Gs to Disney’s cursive D, a brand is more than a recognizable symbol. It’s how people feel and what drives them to invest in a business’ services.

Digital branding campaigns showcase your practice. Our services can help define a cold start or update an established clinic, so when patients are ready to book an appointment, your brand is top of mind.

Our Process for Branding Heading design element


Digital branding always starts with an in-depth understanding of you. Our team gets to know what you offer, what you value, and what you want to achieve.


Next, we research your marketing environment. From an analysis of direct competitors to the demographics you want to reach, we dig deep.


Finally, we create a brand package designed for consistency across platforms. Your logo, colours, fonts, and content voice can establish your brand digitally and in print.

Our #1 Brand Tip: Consistency Heading design element

Consistency is the backbone of effective branding. That’s why our team creates a complete brand guide for your practice. Everything from logo design to colour codes to how your practice speaks should be consistent across all platforms. 

Consistency allows your patients to develop trust and loyalty to your practice’s identity.

Branding Materials Designed for Reach Heading design element

  • Branding services elevate your visual identity. From designing an eye-catching logo to guiding consistency for colours and fonts, we establish a clear impression of who you are. We craft a digital branding strategy and materials for every medium, so your practice can connect to patients across every platform.
  • A clear understanding of your brand identity is vital for a variety of marketing services, including website development, email marketing, and social media. Get in touch with our team to get started on your brand strategy.

Our Marketing Formula Heading design element






What We Offer Heading design element

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing offers a range of services focused on key areas to help you achieve your business goals. Just like you create individualized treatment regimes for your patients, we formulate a customized strategy with the tools you need.

Our Lumenis Partnership Heading design element

triLift by Lumens logo
Lumens logo

We understand how technology can elevate your business—and how crucial it is for your patients to understand what you can offer.

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing’s partnership with Lumenis was developed to support clients with technological advancements by offering innovative marketing solutions. We support the marketing behind their triLift system, helping practices drive awareness and make the most of promoting their investment.

Learn more about our marketing program for triLift clients.

Discover Our Technology-Focused Partnership

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Inspired? Heading design element

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