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Proven Tactics for Increasing Patient Loyalty

Proven Tactics for Increasing Patient Loyalty

Running a medical aesthetic practice is no small feat. It requires the perfect blend of medical expertise, creativity, and business acumen. One of the key drivers of success for any medical aesthetic practice is patient loyalty. After all, satisfied and loyal patients not only keep coming back for repeat services, but they also recommend you […]

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What is Aesthetic Marketing?

What is aesthetic marketing?

In a world where self-expression and prioritizing beauty while aging are celebrated, the field of medical aesthetics has seen a remarkable surge in popularity. People are increasingly seeking non-invasive treatments to enhance their beauty, from Botox injections to laser resurfacing and everything in between. As the demand for these services grows, so does the need […]

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Creating a Google Business Profile

In today’s digital era, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses, especially in the highly competitive aesthetic industry. When potential patients are searching for aesthetic services, you want to be right there on their screens, catching their attention, and guiding them to your practice. This is where a Google Business Profile comes into […]

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How to Market an Aesthetic Practice

As an owner of an aesthetic practice, it’s essential to market yourself effectively to attract potential patients and stay competitive in the market. Perhaps you’ve opened a new practice, or you’re looking for ways to revitalize your current marketing strategies. Regardless of your situation, this blog post covers how to market an aesthetic practice. With […]

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Top Keywords You Need to Use for Your Aesthetic Practice

It’s crucial to note that there’s no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to SEO, just like how you wouldn’t recommend a treatment without first seeing the patient and understanding their desired outcomes. Similarly, we require a thorough understanding of your practice before recommending specific keywords. That being said, there are some general best practices to […]

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5 Tips For Building Your Aesthetic Practice Website

To ensure your practice reaches its potential and attracts new patients, focusing on marketing through strategic channels such as a website is key. A well-designed website that reflects your practice’s brand and values can help you achieve your goals, maintain momentum in an increasingly competitive environment, and ultimately drive more business. To make sure your […]

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What We Offer Heading design element

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing offers a range of services focused on key areas to help you achieve your business goals. Just like you create individualized treatment regimes for your patients, we formulate a customized strategy with the tools you need.

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